Sunday, November 23, 2008


This Sunday was a not a Sunday morning I was looking forward to. We had to talk with so many at Kost Church who just found out this week about Vienna Christian School and our anticipated new ministry there. It is scary to face unknown situations and also unknown responses! We are thankful for the wonderful people at Kost Church who so graciously heard the news from us via letter and then again this morning. They want God's best for us even though they are losing their pastor in the process. We appreciate the sincere encouragement and the prayers already committed on our behalf. So many have said, "we are not surprised. Tom is such a gifted teacher". We are not leaving due to a bad situation or due to personality conficts, but to pursue that which Tom is really ramped up to do: teach day in and day out.

Our desire for a prayer team is our top priority. We truly realize that all of God's work is done first in prayer. Our family has prayed together regarding this decision and now it is great to share the prayer issues with others. We look forward to some new prayer partnerships forming.

So all in all, we are truly thankful for Kost Church, our church family for 8 years now~~we are glad that we still have many months together before we are "divinely kicked out" and begin again. We will be the 'newbys'!

We have received some gracious welcomes from staff at VCS already. How wonderful to be appreciated before we have even met!

Thanks for reading today. God bless you! love, the Mason Family

1 comment:

Brad & Stacey said...

Glad things went well and you were encouraged!