Friday, November 6, 2009

A Bit of a Rant

I have heard from well meaning people the phrase, "When God closes a door he always opens a window" ---I must disagree!

1. The only times people went through windows in the Bible is when they were escaping for their lives! (the two spies and Paul)

2. God is big enough to open doors...and then more doors...and then more doors. He opens DOORS!

3. Windows are for passively looking out, not real ministry.

4. Doors are for walking through bravely or for knocking on! If the door is shut keep knocking! Or go find another door. Don't go squeeze through a window!

5. If ministry is what God is doing, why then would he only allow for a window to be opened...

6. The "windows" idea is a way to second guess a God who is small and limited. They have not read much of the Word where the glory of the Lord fills the temple! And God laughs at the nations! And the earth is his footstool. And He created the universe with a word!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Somehow this phrase has entered our Christian vocabulary without us really thinking about it! Thanks for giving us some new ideas to think about. I think this phrase is used in "The Sound of Music."